Ph.D Candidate
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Room: 5166, DGP Lab, 40 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 2E4
rifat [at] cs [dot] toronto [dot] edu
[CV] [Google Scholar] [DBLP] [ORCID]
I am on the academic job market, looking for a tenure-track faculty position or a postdoctoral fellowship. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about my background or future research plans.
Course Instructor
Computer and Society (CSC300) - [co-taught with Prof. Khai Truong], Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. (Winter 2022, undergraduate course, 250 students) [Syllabus]
This course offers a concise introduction to ethics in computing, distilled from the ethical and social discussions carried on by today's academic and popular commentators. This course covers a wide range of topics within this area including the philosophical framework for analyzing computer ethics; the impact of computer technology on security, privacy and intellectual property, digital divide, and gender and racial discrimination; the ethical tensions with Artificial Intelligence around future of work and humanity, the emerging role of online social media over voice, inclusion, and democracy; and the environmental consequences of computing. -
Introduction to Computational Thinking (INF1339H), Faculty of Information, University of Toronto. (Fall 2022, graduate course, 180 students) [Syllabus]
This course examines the basic ideas of computational thinking. In particular focuses on principled thought processes, approaches and principles that guide computational analyses, from problem formulation all the way to effective and efficient problem solving. It contains an introduction to algorithm building and their complexity, basic data structures used in computational solutions as well as the use of necessary tools to tackle large-scale problems in a variety of domains. The course also discusses the application of computational thinking in different areas such as the humanities, social sciences and the arts, potentially looking into the impact it may have on them. Finally, it serves as a necessary preamble for students who will follow a more technical career, especially in the area of Information Systems and Applied Data Science. -
Structured Programming (CSE 103 ), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. (Fall 2014)
Object Oriented Programming (CSE 201), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. (Fall 2014)
Guest Lecturing
CS 6204 Computing for Social Good: Computer Science, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia. (Fall 2024)
CS4 Social Good: Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle. (Winter 2023, Fall 2024)
Is the​ Internet Green?: Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Toronto. (Winter 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)
Computer and Society: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. (Fall 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022)
Ethical Aspects in Artificial Intelligence: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. (Winter 2022)
Teaching Assistant
Computer and Society: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. (Winter 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Fall 2022, Winter 2023)
Ethical Aspects in Artificial Intelligence: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. (Fall 2022)
Designing Intelligent Self-Improving Systems Through Human Computation, Randomized A/B Experiments and Statistical Machine Learning: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. (Fall 2019)
Introduction to Computer Science: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. (Fall 2018, Winter 2018:)
Computational Reasoning 1: Information Science, University of Colorado, Boulder. (Fall 2016, Spring 2017)
Anvi Nagpal, University of Toronto. (Research Mentor, ICCIT, 2024)
Piya Sharma, University of Toronto. (Research Mentor, ICCIT, 2024)
Hala Sheta, University of Toronto. (Research Mentor, Third Space, 2023)
Emily Traynor, University of Toronto. (Co-Supervisor, Engineering Science BS thesis, 2022)
Esmat Sahak, University of Toronto. (Co-Supervisor, Engineering Science BS thesis, 2022)
Eva Šmuc, University of Toronto. (Co-Supervisor, Summer exchange research program, 2022)
Diana Storchak, University of Toronto. (Co-Supervisor, Summer exchange research program, 2022)
Olivia Wu, University of Toronto. (Mentor, Toronto Human-AI Interaction Summer School 2022)
Flavia López-Czischke, University of Toronto. (Research mentor, 2022)
Natalie Ashgriz, University of Toronto. (Research mentor, 2022)
Akiki Liang, University of Toronto. (Research mentor, 2022)
Ashratuz Zavin Asha, University of Calgary. (Research mentor and collaborator, 2022 - present)
Xinyi Yan, University of Waterloo. (Research mentor, 2021 - 2022)
Shivesh Jadon, University of Calgary. (Research mentor, 2021 - 2022)
Rayhan Rashed, BUET. (Research mentor, 2020 - 2021)
Hasan Mahmud Prottoy, BUET. (Research mentor, 2018 - 2021)
Mahiratul Zannat, University of Dhaka. (Research mentor, 2020 - 2022)
Toha Toriq, Kushtia Islamic University. (Research mentor, 2010 - 2020)​​​​